Nelson’s Journey can only deliver our services for Norfolk’s bereaved children and young people through the support of the local community, including businesses, individuals and charitable trusts.
We’d love to hear from you about any plans you have to help us to bring back smiles – please get in touch by emailing fundraising@nelsonsjourney.org.uk
The impact of your fundraising
Could fund a teddy
Could fund a worry eater
Could fund resources
Funds a place on a weekend
Funds support for one child
Become a regular giver
You could make a monthly donation helping us to bring back smiles to Norfolk’s bereaved children and young people.
Vince Lungley, one of our regular givers, says “The innovative work that Nelson’s Journey does in enabling them to express themselves is vital in helping them to come to terms with their loss and move on to live full lives. I firmly believe that giving little often adds up to making a big change”
Set up a monthly Direct Debit through JustGiving today to help us bring back smiles.
Thank you for considering to support our work with bereaved children and young people in Norfolk. There are many ways to help through fundraising!
“Nelson’s Journey supported my son Danny when his Dad suddenly died. We wanted to give something back and raised over £4,000. Supporting the charity was a wonderful experience.”
Please download our Little Book of Fundraising Ideas below, or get in contact with us if you’ve got an ideas for a challenge to raise funds towards our work!