Schools – Become a Friend of Nelson’s Journey
Approximately 1 in 29 children in Norfolk are bereaved. This is, on average, 1 pupil in every classroom. With this in mind, we have launched a new scheme for schools which raises awareness of bereavement in the classroom and celebrates the bereavement support already happening in our local schools.
To become a School Friend of Nelson’s Journey, schools can complete an online application form and will need to have:
1) A named champion and contact for Nelson’s Journey
2) A safe space for children to work with a child bereavement support worker or to talk to school staff
3) Had one or more staff members attend our free, one hour professionals training
4) Delivered at least one bereavement activity in school
5) Shared bereavement support information with families
6) Held a fundraising event in aid of Nelson’s Journey
This scheme has been designed with teacher workload in mind; making it manageable and achievable for staff to achieve.
Becoming a friend of Nelson’s Journey prompts discussion in the staffroom and initiates conversations with pupils.
Please contact us to find out more about becoming a School Friend by email at: schools@nelsonsjourney.org.uk
To make an application to become a School Friend of Nelson’s Journey, please click the button below.
Badge of Recognition
Bereaved families can nominate school staff members to receive a special pin badge for providing bereavement support work.
These recognise all roles in school and individuals who have made a difference for a bereaved child. The nominated individuals will receive a badge to wear on their lanyards and will be invited to attend an award ceremony to celebrate their award.
Click the below button to make a nomination for a member of school staff to receive a badge of recognition.
These badges have been kindly sponsored by Rosedale Funeral Home
To find out more about how your school can get involved in providing bereavement support via these initiatives, contact us via email here: schools@nelsonsjourney.org.uk
Online professionals training
Nelson’s Journey is currently able to offer limited FREE 1-hour Child Bereavement Awareness Training online to Professionals working with children and young people in Norfolk. Following the training, attendees will:
- Recognise a range of experiences related to loss and bereavement and how to support children and young people
- Increase awareness of the issues faced by children and young people experiencing bereavement and how the pandemic may impact on the issues above
- Gain confidence in working with bereaved children, young people and their parents and carers
- Identify resources and organisations available to support bereaved families
For information about the training, available dates and to register, please visit our online training page. If we don’t have any dates currently available, please email us at: enquiries@nelsonsjourney.org.uk to let us know of your interest.
The impact of your fundraising
Could fund a teddy
Could fund a worry eater
Could fund resources
Funds a place on a weekend
Funds support for one child