Request Support
We are sorry that someone special to your child/young person has died.
We offer a Support Line service on 01603 431788 which allows families and professionals to speak to a Child Bereavement Support Worker for guidance and information. Many people find that this provides the information and guidance needed without the need to complete a request for support form. The Support Line service is also open to all families referred to Nelson’s Journey and the professionals working with them (subject to necessary parental consent).
Completing a request for support form may be difficult. The information below will help you to complete the form and get the most appropriate support. Request for Support forms can be completed by families, professionals, and by young people themselves (if aged 16 or 17). However, please check all the information on this page first and call us on 01603 431788 for guidance from a support worker.
We offer therapeutic bereavement support, but we are not a formal counselling service. We do not provide an emergency or crisis response service – if you feel that your child is in need of urgent support please contact your GP.
Call 01603 431788
Before continuing…
Please make sure you read through the following questions and answers before submitting any information to us. The Request for Support process takes time to complete and it is important to be prepared before you start the form.
What is your criteria for accepting Requests for Support?
Before making a Request for Support, please be aware that the bereaved child / young person you are contacting us about must:
- Be aged under 18
- Live in Norfolk OR is a Looked After Child which Norfolk County Council has placed outside of Norfolk
- Have had a significant relationship with the person who died, and their death has had a significant impact
- Be aware of the Request for Support being made for them, and be willing to engage with us
Do I need to make a Request for Support for a bereaved child/young person?
If a child / young person is able to talk about their feelings and memories of the person who died, that is a good sign that they are coping in a healthy way. Please read our Information and Guidance section before proceeding with a Request for Support.
If you still feel that the child / young person is in need of specific bereavement support we will need to know how they have been affected by the bereavement, and what your specific concerns are. Please include as much detail as possible on the form to help us to ensure they get the support that they need.
I am a professional working with the bereaved child/young person. Can I request support?
If you are working with a bereaved child/young person (e.g. as a teacher, GP, support worker) who needs our support then you can make a Request for Support but only if you have the consent of someone with parental responsibility for the child. You are responsible for ensuring that you are able to share personal data with Nelson’s Journey.
You will need to provide us with the email address of someone with parental responsibility, who we will email immediately to ask them to confirm their consent for the Request for Support. If this process causes any concern, please phone us on 01603 431788.
Can I refer more than one child/young person using the same form?
No. Each child / young person is likely to be affected differently and have their own needs. Therefore, to make sure each child gets the appropriate response, we ask that a separate form is completed for each young person.
What if more than one person has died?
If more than one death is affecting the child / young person, please enter the information for the person they were closest to, and include details of other people who have died in the question about previous bereavements.
What will happen after I’ve submitted a Request for Support form?
You’ll receive an automated email after you submit this form. The support team meet to discuss new Requests for Support, and will make contact with you to let you know what support we feel is most appropriate for your child.
This support will includes access for you to use our Support Line service which provides a professional Child Bereavement Support Worker on the end of a phone call who can help you to understand and respond to your child or young person’s bereavement needs, as well as suggesting resources and activities that you can use at home.
Completing the Request for Support Form
NOTE: Once you’ve started a Request for Support form, you can’t save it and come back to it. Therefore, we’ve provided the questions that you will be asked so that you can prepare what you need to complete the form. You may want to print the questions to help you collect your answers – but please do not email or post them back to us. These questions are provided for guidance only and should NOT be sent back to us with your answers. The online forms that you will need to complete are at the bottom of this page.
When you’ve read our guidance and prepared answers for our questions, you are ready to complete a Request for Support form below. If you’re still unsure about answering any questions, or whether a bereaved child needs support at this time, please call us on 01603 431788 to speak to our team.
Please ensure adequate information is provided within the Request for Support to allow us to assess the needs of the young person. If insufficient details are provided, Nelson’s Journey will seek further information (from the professional and/or family) and this may cause delays to support being offered.
You will need to complete a new online form below for each child (for example for siblings) as different children are likely to have different needs.
The Request for Support form will take around 15 – 20 minutes to complete.
Request for Support Forms
NOTE: Our support line on 01603 431788 is available for all families and professionals for guidance and information from a Child Bereavement Support Worker about supporting a bereaved child or Young Person. This is available to you even before you submit a Request for Support form, and can in many cases provide the service most needed at the earliest opportunity.