If you’re quick now, there’s one more chance to run the London Marathon 2018 in aid of Nelson’s Journey!

We are able to offer a Green Starting place for one lucky runner for the Virgin Money London Marathon 2018. This position means you will be starting amongst well know celebrities and even get the use of the luxury loos! The place will go very quickly so apply now!

We ask you raise a minimum of £1,750 excluding Gift Aid sponsorship for Nelson’s Journey – all of which will help us support Norfolk’s bereaved children and young people. 2017 has been another incredibly busy year for us, with an estimated 1000 children coming to us to access support after someone special in their lives has died, it’s down to valuable contributions from fundraisers in the community that we are able to continue to offer this vital service.

In return for agreeing to fundraise for Nelson’s Journey, we will help you to have a fantastic race experience, from support and guidance from our fundraising team, advice from past runners and promotional activity as the big day approaches.

We are also pleased to provide a place on a series of marathon workshops. The first session takes place on 25 November, if you can’t make this one, there are two other dates to be confirmed in the New Year.

The Virgin Money London Marathon will take place on 22nd April 2018

If you were fortunate enough to get a place for the London Marathon in the ballot, we’d love for you to join in with our fundraising team of runners. Please get in touch and we will help you to boost your sponsorship and support you in any other way we can.


To access the London Marathon Application Form, click here!

Return the form to sarah@nelsonsjourney.org.uk

Inviting Norfolk businesses to be part of our 20th year!

November 2017 sees the start of our 20th birthday and in preparation for this we are delighted to announce our Twenty20 scheme.  This project which will see us working with twenty Norfolk businesses who are all committed to raising at least £1,000 each in support of our work.

The Twenty20 is an exclusive group of businesses all working towards the same aim of raising at least £1,000 each in support of our work with Norfolk’s bereaved children and young people.

Alongside the additional promotional opportunities available to participating businesses, members will also benefit from:

  • Networking events helping you to connect with other local businesses who are also committed to making a difference in their community
  • Access to our Twenty20 News, helping you to keep in touch with progress being made
  • Exclusive fun events being hosted by other participating business – details to be released soon!
  • Exclusive discounts on tickets to our biggest events

Take a look at our e-magazine which explains more about it CLICK HERE



Remembering Mum on Mother’s Day

If you are remembering your Mum or Nan this Mothers Day we know it could be really difficult. We have come up with an activity which will help you remember them year after year that you can do on your own or as a family.

Choose any type of container that is no longer needed; this might be an old wellington boot, a tin, a watering can or even a teapot! If you don’t have anything, a terracotta pot can also work well.

Decorate your container with waterproof paint. You might write your special person’s name or use their favourite colours or paint things that remind you of them.

If possible, make a hole in the bottom of the container (not essential) for better drainage and sprinkle some stones and gravel into the bottom

Fill with compost and make a small hole about 10cm deep and place your bulb, taking care that it’s up the right way. If you wish to plant more than one bulb, make sure they are at least 15cm apart.

The bulb you plant should be one which flowers at this time of year so it may already be in flower when you are planting it – suggestions might be daffodils or crocuses.

Each year your bulb will flower around Mother’s day, take a moment to reflect on memories shared with your special person or just remember them.

#mothersday #bringingbacksmiles

We hope this helps at what can be a difficult time.


We are fortunate to be supported by a number of local businesses who wish to give something back to the local community.  Support ranges from employee volunteering to office fundraising and donation of products.

Our most recent corporate supporter is Capron and Helliwell Solicitors have chosen us as their Charity of the Year for 2017.

The local Solicitors, with offices In Stalham and Wroxham said “Members of staff put forward proposals for the firm’s charity of the year 2017.  The firm then organised a vote and Nelson’s Journey got the most votes making them the firm’s charity of the year for this year.”

They are busy organising a year full of different events and fundraisers, starting with a Family Fun Bingo Night at Stalham Town Hall on Saturday 25th March followed by a Summer Fete at Stalham Office on Saturday 26th August.

Including staff in choosing which local charity to support and fundraising initiatives is a great way to motivate and bring together a staff team.  Having the opportunity to feel that you are doing something rewarding is a great feeling. We look forward to working with all of our corporate supporters in 2017.

For further about Capron & Helliwell you can visit : www.capronandhelliwell.co.uk


This week, our first Crowdfunding project has gone live!  We have until 9:30am on the 6th March to raise £5,000 to support a project providing the bereaved children and young people that we support with a means to share their experiences of the challenges they have faced, helping to break down barriers for others in a similar situation.

We are currently 34% of the way towards our target, can you help us get closer? Make a donation here http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/diary-of-bereaved-children-in-norfolk



Many adults contact us to ask how they can recognise when a child or young person may need some support from Nelson’s Journey. With this in mind, here are some of the key indicators that your child may benefit from further support following a bereavement:

– Changes to appetite or sleep pattern e.g. nightmares

– Outbursts of anger or physical aggression

– Not wanting to talk about their feelings or the person who has died

– High levels of anxiety – worries or fears, often about death and dying but the anxiety can also often seem entirely unrelated to the bereavement.

-Regular physical symptoms such as tummy aches or headaches

-In younger children, signs of regression such as bedwetting or separation anxiety

The most important factor to consider in deciding if a child may benefit from additional support is if there has been a significant change in their behaviour over a prolonged period of time and that this change has occurred since the death of their loved one. If in doubt, you can always contact our team to talk through your concerns on 01603 431788.


Earlier this year we were visited by the lovely Emma Thorburn from Buns of Fun Bakery. She wanted to use her skills in bakery to help bring back smiles to children affected by the death of a special person in their lives.

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We are always looking at ways of supporting children through their feelings. Sometimes children can find it really difficult to even know themselves what they are feeling and why. Our Child Bereavement Support Workers use an activity to help young people understand where these feelings could come from and how to deal with them.

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Nelson’s Journey held an activity day for a group of children aged 2-6 years at Tots Town in October. Each child attended the day to remember a special person in their lives that has died. The children took part in a range of activities to help them remember and to support them as they grow. They also had an amazing time playing in Tots Town, with an abundance of hairstyling, building, cake making and shoe buying going on!

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Today marks World Suicide Prevention Day, raising awareness in order to provide worldwide commitment and action to prevent people taking their own lives.

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