The Queen’s Funeral: Preparing Children and Young People

The Queen’s Funeral will be held at Westminster Abbey on Monday 19 September, 11am. Many families will be given time off school and work to observe the Day of National Mourning, and watch the funeral on the television.
Some children may benefit from talking to their families and carers in advance of the funeral, to help them prepare for the event. Even if they choose not to watch it, they are very likely to see images and clips of the funeral through various media.
While the funeral may seem very different, children and young people are likely to be reminded of previous funeral services that they’ve attended, and that may bring up difficult memories.
Children may feel a mixture of emotions before, during and after the funeral, and it’s important to reassure them that this is normal. They will probably see a mix of emotions from others during the funeral too. They will see lots of sad people crying, but there may also be lighter moments when a funny story or memory is shared. Children may find it helpful to see that adults can have a range of feelings when someone has died, just as they may have themselves. If the experience becomes overwhelming, then it’s ok to switch off for a while so that children can take a break if they need it.
Children may have lots of questions about the funeral, and it might be that we don’t always have the answers for them. It is best to be honest in these situations and say if you don’t know. Maybe you can find out the answer together? Particularly at a state funeral, there may be procedures and elements of the ceremony that are historically informed and don’t occur at other funerals.
After the funeral, it’s important to speak to children about how they’re feeling and whether they want to talk about anything they’ve experienced.
Some children might find it helpful to engage in an activity that helps them to write down their memories of the Queen. We have lots of free activity and resource sheets, such as our memory bricks, which can be downloaded via our Resources and Activities section of our website.
Parents, carers and professionals may find it helpful to read out ‘At a time of bereavement’ booklet which can be downloaded here, before having discussions with children and young people about death.

Talking to children about the death of the Queen

Nelson’s Journey is saddened by the death of HRH Queen Elizabeth II. Our thoughts are with The Royal Family.

The death of the Queen affects children as well as adults. Nelson’s Journey is encouraging families and communities to talk to their children and young people about how the news may be affecting them, and to open up a conversation about death.

For some young children, this may be their first recognition of someone who has died. For others, such as those supported by Nelson’s Journey, the Queen’s death may bring up memories and feelings about deaths that they have previously experienced. Some children may associate memories of those who died with the Queen – perhaps because they have memories of visits to Sandringham Estate or watching the Queen’s Speech together.

Coverage of the Queen’s death and the funeral in one week’s time will be extensive. Children, including those of a young age, will be just as aware of that coverage as adults are. Time spent now talking to children and young people may be helpful in preparing them for the day of the funeral, especially if they want to watch the funeral.

We would like to encourage parents, carers and professionals to read our booklet, ‘At a time of bereavement’. This contains many tips and ideas about how you can talk directly and openly to children about death and the feelings that they may have.

To download a copy of our booklet, please click here:

Read ‘At a time of bereavement’

Please also keep an eye on our Facebook and social media accounts, which will continue to share useful information about talking to children and young people.

Nelson’s Journey’s website also contains many other resources and materials that you may find helpful.

To allow our staff to observe the Day of National Mourning, we will be closing our office next Monday, 19 September.

Join our NJ 25 Campaign – Celebrating 25 years of Nelson’s Journey

This year, Nelson’s Journey turns 25 and in celebration, we are launching our NJ25 campaign. We are looking for 20 businesses to join together to collectively fund the salary of a Child Bereavement Support Worker which will support more than 100 children over the next year.

Places have already started being snapped up, so please act quickly if you or your business would like to fill the remaining places.

If you would like to find out more or become part of the NJ25 campaign and join other hard working businesses such as DHL Supply Chain, Earlham Crematorium, Jaya Dance, Rosedale Funeral Home Signs Express Ltd Westcotec Limited & West Earlham Dental Practice Ltd  contact Sarah Dodge, Funding & Marketing Officer to secure your place – details below!

“We are delighted to be part of this campaign. The work Nelson’s Journey do is fantastic and we need to make sure they can continue to grow to help more children in the future.”

Earlham Crematorium
“We are absolutely thrilled to be a part of the 25th Birthday celebrations, and to help Nelson’s Journey continue with their amazing work.”

To find out more, click here for our brochure.

Get in touch with Sarah to ask a question or to get involved, call 01603 431788 or email


As we draw to the end of the school year and start the long summer break, we find that bereaved children and young people can find this time quite unsettling, especially as there’s lots of talk within schools about new school year and the changes that will happen.


Transitioning at school, whether it’s into a new class with a different teacher or to a completely new school is unsettling for any child, but for a child who is bereaved, it can trigger lots of anxious feelings and worries.


If you are an adult supporting a bereaved child, it’s important that if you notice any change in their behaviour that you take the time to talk to them, let them offload how they’re feeling and work with them to help them overcome their worries and encourage them to embrace these changes. If they are really struggling with the changes they’re facing, it’s really important that you work with the school to ensure they are aware of your child concerns/ worries and they can put strategies in place to support them. This is especially important if your child has experienced a recent bereavement, as the school staff may not be aware of the situation.


If your child is starting a new school then be mindful that you will need to be extra patient with them as they’ve got to navigate around a new environment as well as deal with their feelings. Remember, if you feel like your child needs extra support then make sure you ask for it. The staff will want to make sure that help is put in place to help them as they adjust to their new surroundings.


Bereaved children and young people may find it difficult to cope with the return to school in September, and it may take a while to adjust, but with extra adult support and having people around them they trust to help, it will make things more bearable and in time they will settle into their new routine.


Our Child Bereavement Support Worker team here at Nelson’s Journey have shared a few tips for bereaved children and young people who are concerned about the changes they’re facing at school and ways they can cope when they return in September.


Fiona’s Tip: “You won’t be the only person who will be worried about the changes happening at school, or moving up to high school/ college. It is okay to talk to your friends and tell them the things you are worried about.”


Duncan’s Tip: “If you need to know some information or are worried about anything at all, then make sure you speak to an adult in school who you trust. They will want to help you.”


Adam’s Tip: “If you have experienced a bereavement recently, then you may be worried about what to tell people or what help you might need in school. Plan for this by writing down the bits of your story that you are happy to share with others (e.g. friends, teachers) and also a list of things you feel may help you in school. Share this with a member of school staff and talk through how they can help you.”


Lisa’s Tip: “Before you go back to school, talk to your parent/carer and explain the things that you’ve been thinking about that worry you. Write them down on a piece of paper. As you settle into school, look at the list again with your parent/carer and talk about how things went for you. Sometimes we just need to try something different before we realise that it is okay and that we didn’t need to worry about it so much.”


Amy’s Tip: “If you are allowed to, put something small from home in your pocket like a button, photo or something similar. If you are feeling worried during the school day (and miss being at home) you can touch your pocket or hold the object for a short time to make you feel better and remind yourself that people care for you.”


Keeley’s Tip: “Be honest, let friends, family, and teachers know if you need help, and what you would like that help to be. Smile, it can make you feel better, makes you look friendly and approachable, and can help put others at ease. Just be yourself, there is no one else like you and you are amazing.”


We also understand that bereaved children and young people don’t always want to talk about how they’re feeling or what they need emotionally, but they still need people around them to know and understand how to support them. Our Young Volunteers and Youth Panel recently created a set of Smiles & Tears postcards which could come in really handy when starting back at school in September.


These postcards contain lots of suggested ideas and ways a bereaved child or young person may want to be supported. They even have a little tick box against each idea so they can be tailored to meet their needs and feelings without having to talk about how they’re feeling. There’s even some space to write their own ideas too. Each card is different, there’s one for friends, family, adults at school and a blank one for any other special person who’s helping to support a bereaved child or young person. There’s even one for the bereaved child/ young person on ways they can help and look after themselves too.


You can download our FREE Smiles & Tear Postcards here

Nelson’s Journey welcomes the support of Consultant Clinical Psychologist

Child Bereavement Support Team working with Dr Ian Newey

Nelson’s Journey is delighted to announce that our Child Bereavement Support Team is being supported by Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Dr Ian Newey. Ian is working with our Support Workers to help them further develop their practice with bereaved children, including through the provision of supervision support to the team.

Ian has a special interest in helping people understand the social and psychological factors that have led to their difficulties and has particular expertise working with children and young people with a history of trauma, traumatic bereavement, disrupted attachment, invalidation, and abuse. He has training in EMDR, Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Mindfulness and Compassion Focused Therapy.

Ian has been interested in the impact of bereavement on children and young people for many years and first worked in partnership with Nelson’s Journey in 2014.

Dr Newey achieved a B.Sc.(Hons) in Psychology at the University of Wales, Bangor in 1993, an M.Sc. in Health Sciences at the University of East Anglia in 1998 and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (Clin.Psy.D.) at the University of East Anglia in 2001. He is a member of the Division of Clinical Psychology and the Faculty for Children, Young People & their Families. Ian is a BPS Chartered Psychologist, is HCPC Registered and has over 25 years’ experience of with Children and their families.

National Day of Reflection

National Day of Reflection: Tuesday 23 March 2021

Norfolk child bereavement charity Nelson’s Journey is supporting the National Day of Reflection on Tuesday 23 March, and encouraging families to be aware of any activity in schools that may affect their children.

There have been thousands of deaths in Norfolk since the start of the first lockdown due to several causes, including coronavirus. Children who’ve experienced the death of someone significant in their lives have in some cases been unable to attend funerals and memorial events, or meet up with friends and family members who would otherwise be there in person to support them. The National Day of Reflection is a welcome opportunity to reflect as a community on those who’ve died and how we can support each other.

Our Bereavement Support Team suggest that families may wish to speak to their children’s schools if someone has died. We expect a number of Norfolk schools to mark the National Day of Reflection, and children in school on the day may want to be prepared for that. It may be helpful for teachers to be aware of any experiences of death, and how bereaved families feel that their children’s responses to grief can be best managed in school.

Nelson’s Journey’s Support Line service is open for bereaved families to contact by phone on 01603 431788 and email at

The National Day of Reflection has been spear-headed by Marie Curie, with more information at:

An activity that families can do together on 23 March

On the National Day of Reflection, families could use our Memory Bricks activity to share their memories about the special person who died. You can download and print your own Memory Bricks to use here. Otherwise, you could work together and produce a poster or piece of artwork to capture your memories.

Click here to download your own Memory Bricks

Back to school

So much has happened over the last few months and lots of children and young people have spent extended periods of time at home, not been able to go out and been home schooled. Now they are returning back to school and so they probably have lots of thoughts going through their heads about what to expect.

Our Child Bereavement Support Workers here at Nelson’s Journey have a few tips for any bereaved child or young person going back to school:

Fiona’s Tip: “You won’t be the only person who will be worried about going back to school. It is okay to talk to your friends and tell them the things you are worried about”.

Duncan’s Tip: “If you need to know some information or are worried about anything at all, then make sure you speak to an adult in school who you trust. They will want to help you.”

Adam’s Tip: “If you have experienced a bereavement recently, then you may be worried about what to tell people or what help you might need in school. Plan for this by writing down the bits of your story that you are happy to share with others (e.g. friends, teachers) and also a list of things you feel may help you in school. Share this with a member of school staff and talk through how they can help you”.

Lisa’s Tip: “Before you go back to school, talk to your parent/carer and explain the things that you’ve been thinking about that worry you. Write them down on a piece of paper. After your first day back at school, look at the list again with your parent/carer and talk about how things went for you. Sometimes we just need to try something different before we realise that it is okay and that we didn’t need to worry about it so much.”

Amy’s Tip: “If you are allowed to, put something small from home in your pocket like a button, photo or something similar. If you are feeling worried during the school day (and miss being at home) you can touch your pocket or hold the object for a short time to make you feel better and remind yourself that people care for you.”.

If you are an adult supporting a bereaved child on their return to school, then make sure the staff know if your child has any concerns or worries. This is really important if your child has experienced a bereavement recently, as the school staff may not know. If your child is starting at a new school then please be extra patient as they get to learn their way around a new environment. Remember, if your child needs extra support then please ask for it as the staff will want to make sure that help is put in place.

Children and young people may find it difficult to cope with their return to school, as it will feel so different for a while, but with extra adult support they will soon get back into a routine.

Coronavirus: A free book for children

A brilliant free information book explaining the coronavirus to children, illustrated by Gruffalo illustrator Axel Scheffler has been released.

The book answers key questions in simple language appropriate for 5 to 9 year olds (although we feel it is helpful for other ages too):

• What is the coronavirus?
• How do you catch the coronavirus?
• What happens if you catch the coronavirus?
• Why are people worried about catching the coronavirus?
• Is there a cure for the coronavirus?
• Why are some places we normally go to closed?
• What can I do to help?
• What’s going to happen next?

Lisa Wright, Child Bereavement Support Worker at Nelson’s Journey has read the book and said “I thought it was honest, informative and reassuring – for children and adults alike”.

At Nelson’s Journey, we are aware that some children and young people that we are currently working with are experiencing increased levels of anxiety around other people in their lives dying. We feel this book will be helpful in providing children with a greater level of understanding.

To access the free book, simply click this link

Stay Connected

Connecting with each other:

We are all currently facing lots of uncertainty and change due to the Coronavirus situation.  Life at the moment may be making you feel worried and that things are a little out of control.  There are lots of people we can stay connected with to help our physical and emotional health and well-being at this time.  Below are a few ideas to help you stay connected, healthy and supported.


Don’t forget your family and friends!

We can stay connected even if we have to self-isolate! Get creative and think of ways you can stay connected with the people you know.


  • Celebrate a special occasion together via a video chat
  • Walk/run/cycle as a household
  • Mail a letter or email to an old friend
  • Teach someone a new skill
  • Play games
  • Set up a group chat
  • Share photos
  • Phone someone
  • Help to a neighbour-from a social distance
  • Smile at others J


If you need a little extra support there are plenty of others willing to help.  Here are a few ideas for children and young people and other members of your family:


Action for Happiness website:

Monthly calendars packed with actions you can take to help create a happier and kinder world.


Just One Norfolk website:     

A local resource providing an app and advice on all aspects of life for a child/ young person.  Specific information about emotional health for young people and parents.


Young Minds website:           

Lots of information about young people’s mental health, with various resources available.  A parents’ helpline is also available.


ChildLine website:                  

Lots of advice for children, young people and parents/ carers.  Plenty of ideas for activities too.


NHS Change for Life:             

At home we’ll have easier access to snacks and treats! Try to keep a routine to mealtimes and choose foods that will nourish your mind and body.


Chat Health:

A text messaging service for 11-19 year olds available Monday-Friday 9-5.  If your child would like to chat to an experienced clinician about a health related matter. Text 07480 635060



Coronavirus: Guidance for Families around Funerals

We have put this information together based on recent announcements from the Government and advice from the National Association of Funeral Directors. Please bear in mind that funeral arrangements may have to change again in the future as the Government’s response to COVID-19 develops.

This guidance is aimed at parents/carers of children and young people who have experienced a recent death and who may need some support in helping their child at this very challenging time. Funerals (and the lead up to them) may not be what we expect due to the various restrictions that are currently having to be imposed in order to protect public health. It may be very upsetting for families to plan funerals in this limited way as it very unlikely they can have the funeral they would’ve wanted to say their goodbyes to their loved one. Children and young people are likely to have lots of questions so we hope this guide will help.


Saying Goodbye

Some children might want to see the person who has died, not least as this would usually help them to understand what’s happened, give them a chance to say goodbye and allow them to accept the reality of the death. This may be more unlikely at the moment due to the viral outbreak. You will need to discuss this with your Funeral Director who will confirm if a visit to the Chapel of Rest is possible or not for family members. If a child cannot visit then perhaps encourage them to write a letter or draw a picture for their special person and ask them to share this with you. They may want it to be a private message where they get to say their own ‘goodbye’ to the person so you may have to respect their privacy. The letter or drawing could go in the coffin or the grave (with the help of your Funeral Director) or another special place e.g. a memory box.

Arranging a Funeral

Due to the current restrictions on having close contact, and the rules of social distancing, your communication with a Funeral Director may be limited, this may be done virtually (e.g. via Skype or Zoom) or by phone. Talk to your child about any questions they may have for the Funeral Director, ensure they have clear information as the arrangements progress and have the opportunity to think of other ways that you can all remember the person who has died. We have provided some suggestions for you below.

The Funeral

Funerals are usually an opportunity for families to come together and for people to pay their respects and say goodbye. In normal circumstances these can be attended by a lot of people. Unfortunately the virus means that the numbers of people allowed to attend a funeral will be limited and only a few direct family members will be permitted to attend. This may mean that children who wish to attend are unable to, which may be upsetting for them. Be honest with them and explain that it’s because of limited numbers and that families will have to decide who will attend based on their relationship to the person who’s died and whether some members of the family are in isolation and therefore not allowed to go. You could draw a family tree or diagram to help demonstrate who is/isn’t attending. Be careful to explain why a person is able to attend and the fact that there will be many other people who won’t have the opportunity to attend either. See example below.

Some Funeral Directors may provide the opportunity to have the funeral service streamed online, if not, discuss what other options may be available for recording the service. This is a good way to include any child/ren and other family members that can’t attend.

If children are attending, explain that they must be sitting with other members of their own household because of current social distancing guidelines. They will not be able to have close contact with people outside their household, which may be difficult for them as many of us seek comfort from others at funerals. This is also part of the Government guidance to prevent the spread of the virus. If they have attended a funeral before then this experience may feel very different, e.g. family are unlikely to travel in chauffeured funeral cars to the service.


Due to an interruption in supply of flowers at this time, you may not be able to order flowers for the funeral. Perhaps the child/ren could make paper flowers or cut some from your garden to create a special posy for you to take. Even a single flower chosen by them may provide some comfort.


After the funeral service it’s traditional to have a gathering (often called a wake) to celebrate the person’s life. This is unlikely to take place but it doesn’t stop you from celebrating the person’s life as a family. Here are some ideas to help you remember them and celebrate their life:

  • Arrange a virtual meet up with family members and friends where you can share stories and memories together, perhaps think of a theme, maybe wear their favourite colour.
  • Share the eulogies and readings from the service.
  • Ask people to light a candle (at their home) in memory of the person who has died. You could organise it so everyone lights their candle on an agreed day and time to make it feel more special.
  • Set up an online memorial page and encourage people to add their memories and photos.
  • Create a memory box.
  • Play the person’s favourite music and just take time to remember them.
  • Arrange a celebration or memorial service for later in the year (perhaps on a significant date) so everyone has the opportunity to say goodbye.
  • Consider an online fundraising page to support a charity of that person’s choice.
  • When the current social distancing guidelines have been relaxed you could arrange to visit the grave.


Reassure your child that the current restrictions are only temporary, they won’t be forever. Keep in contact with the Funeral Director and be guided by what they say as they will know the current regulations and will be happy to help you.